When spending your hard-earned money remember that this money funds the advertising campaigns of that company. If you object to a companies advertising or policies then don't buy their products. Here are my own personal girlcotts:
Lions Eggs - Rather sexist advert in The News of The World.
Renault - Jiggling female bottoms on prime time tv.
WH Smith - Refuses to comply with National Federation of Retail Newsagents (NFRN) guidelines on display of lads mags.
Volvic - Glamorises pole dancing in their pole dancing advert and contributes to a general pornification of culture. My money will not be funding this sort of leching.
Dove - Young woman in their underwear is not really a novel way to advertise.
And of course I must mention the original girlcotter.
Angry Girl Girlcotts - The original girlcotter.
Lions Eggs - Rather sexist advert in The News of The World.
Renault - Jiggling female bottoms on prime time tv.
WH Smith - Refuses to comply with National Federation of Retail Newsagents (NFRN) guidelines on display of lads mags.
Volvic - Glamorises pole dancing in their pole dancing advert and contributes to a general pornification of culture. My money will not be funding this sort of leching.
Dove - Young woman in their underwear is not really a novel way to advertise.
And of course I must mention the original girlcotter.
Angry Girl Girlcotts - The original girlcotter.
Hi, just found your blog. I'm with you on girlcotting WH Smith and Dove. The former make me angry with their blatant preoccupation with profit over social responsibility, while the latter are just hypocritical.
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