Monday, July 10, 2006

CSI Las Vegas Bedroom Shocker!

The final episode of this season's CSI Las Vegas, which is due to be screened in the UK during July, ends with Sara Sidle and Gil Grissom in dressing gowns chatting in a bedroom.

Apparently the CSI duo are having a relationship. Avid show fans are now eagerly awaiting the start of series seven. Many fans are concerned that CSI will lose its focus as a crime show and follow the well worn soap opera path with a heavy emphasis on relationships and bedroom scenes.

There have been plenty of bedroom scenes in CSI and the stars are all attractive. But the plotlines and direction in CSI are focused on the crime story and the characters. The characters in CSI Las Vegas are three dimensional people with flaws and imperfections. Above all the show is refreshing because the camera does not focus constantly on the cleavage of the female CSI stars. The directors focus on telling the story and developing the characters rather than providing easy titillation. The show definitely features plenty of cleavage but the recognition that a CSI detective is unlikely to constantly wear cleavage popping tops is welcome.

Since CSI has hit our screens over six years ago there has been a huge uptake in Forensic Science courses. This shows the power of the media to shape and mould the aspirations of the young. The media needs to take this responsibility seriously. CSI Las Vegas has inspired a generation to pursue forensic science careers.

CSI Las Vegas is one of the few shows where the drama has always been center stage. If you like crime shows and haven't seen this yet then you need to. This is a top-notch show and it is in a completely different class from either CSI NY or CSI Miami.

To return to the Sara and Gil relationship. I don't object to the Sara and Gil relationship on principle as in the real world relationships at work do happen. The chemistry between them has occasionally been hinted at. What I hope is that the show sticks to its successful formula and leaves something to our imagination and that the crime remains, as always, centre stage.


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